Your Distinct Goals, Our Bespoke Solutions
There is a natural evolution of a state fund, but not every company chooses the same path. Our team can assist with tailoring a solution for a wide range of goals along the way.
Whether you’re a competitive state fund seeking a rating from A.M. Best, a monopolistic fund converting to open competition, or a state fund looking to privatize, Guy Carpenter has the experience, tools and resources to help, wherever you are on your journey.
There is a natural evolution of a state fund, but not every company chooses the same path. Our team can assist with tailoring a solution for a wide range of goals along the way.
To move forward without liabilities that may have accumulated over previous decades, you are seeking solutions to manage your legacy reserves.
To grow, you are considering expanding into other lines or jurisdictions.
To advance your business and improve interactions with your policyholders, injured workers and medical providers, you are looking to evolve through innovation in data, analytics and technology.
To compete with the private market for certain accounts, you are pursuing a rating from A.M. Best.
To improve your overall customer experience, you are exploring how to modernize your underwriting and claims handling approach.
We work with more than half of the American Association of State Compensation Insurance Funds (AASCIF) companies in the US, placing more than $54M of workers’ compensation ceded premium for 13 AASCIF clients. We placed 45 layers of coverage: 11 working layers, 32 catastrophe layers and 2 structured programs. In addition, our team helped 3 of our AASCIF clients (AZ, OK, UT) convert from state entities to mutual insurance companies.
Work with a team that offers you intimate knowledge of market-leading conditions and reinsurer appetite, as well as significant trading relationships with key reinsurers. When you partner with Guy Carpenter, you'll enjoy best-in-class broking support and account servicing–contracts, accounting, claims, market security–complemented by dedicated workers’ compensation actuarial, catastrophe and terrorism modelers.
We offer the largest peer analysis contract database, ensuring you get the broadest possible coverage available in the market. We analyze more accumulation data and run more workers’ compensation catastrophe models than any other intermediary—as well as what Risk Management Solutions (RMS) or AIR Worldwide (AIR) each run themselves.